9 Cụm Từ Thay Thế “I Think…” Trong APTIS, VSTEP và IELTS Speaking

   Dưới đây là một số cách để bạn sử dụng thay thế cho cụm “I think…” trong bài thi APTIS, VSTEP và IELTS Speaking.

1. In my view

And I stand here today to say, in my view, our fight has paid off.

In my view, my father, who is a typical workaholic, always burns the midnight oil.


2. If you ask me, I would say …

If you ask me, I would say that the biography is a brilliant best-seller.

If you ask me, I would say that the weather condition will be getting worse and worse.


3. To my knowledge

To my knowledge, there have been no similar-type incidents reported to

The Office of Professional Responsibility, “she said.

There is not that level of agreement at the moment, to my knowledge.


4. I strongly / firmly believe that …

And I strongly believe that the ABC acquisition was the right decision you did

For this reason, I strongly believe that customer related travel needs to be deeply ingrained into the corporate culture, and this doing starts at the top.


5. Personally, I feel …

By speaking out, it’s probably not a good thing for me personally, but I feel I have an obligation to do it.

Besides, with the exercise, training, diet learning, etc. one walks away from the program with so much more, I personally feel ever strong with having been through the program.


6. As far as I am concerned / as far as I know …

As far as I know, he doesn’t have any interest in running for mayor.

And, as far as I am, she has never had the courage to publicly acknowledge the failure.


7. To be honest / To tell the truth / honestly

To be honest, it’s quite annoying to live in the coastal city coz of the cuisine eaten

Honestly, I totally disagree what he did.


8. The way I see …

The way I see it, we need to put financial resources into addressing Medicare fraud.

Paying down my debt has changed the way that I see my money.


9. From my perspective

From my perspective, he is a bubbly, generous, reliable and responsible guy

From my perspective as a startup CEO, here are some key lessons that I have gleaned from President Barlett.


Tổng kết

Bài viết trên đã tổng hợp 9 cụm từ thay “I think…” trong bài thi APTIS, VSTEP và IELTS Speaking. Hy vọng người học có thể vận dụng các kiến thức trên vào quá trình học tiếng Anh một cách hiệu quả.
